The Instrument Flight Manual
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The Instrument Flight Manual

This book gives an overview of IFR operational requirements and helps establish patterns of aeronautical decision making pertaining to instrument flight.

Written for the pilot desiring to add an instrument rating, and for the instrument-rated pilot who needs a refresher. Divided into five sections, the book covers: airplane performance and basic instrument flying, navigation and communication aids and their instruments, planning the instrument flight (weather systems and planning, charts and other aids, and navigation planning), the instrument flight and the knowledge and practical tests (a scenario "trip" using the knowledge gained in the first three sections, including clearances, takeoff and departure, enroute, and approaches), and a syllabus for the instrument trainee and the CFII.

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The Instrument Flight Manual

Seventh Edition by William K. Kershner

This book gives an overview of IFR operational requirements and helps establish patterns of aeronautical decision making pertaining to instrument flight.

The Instrument Rating and Beyond

Based on the original text by William K. Kershner, this new seventh edition has been updated throughout to reflect current regulations, operating procedures, and technology.

Written for the pilot desiring to add an instrument rating, and for the instrument-rated pilot who needs a refresher. Divided into five sections, the book covers: airplane performance and basic instrument flying, navigation and communication aids and their instruments, planning the instrument flight (weather systems and planning, charts and other aids, and navigation planning), the instrument flight and the knowledge and practical tests (a scenario "trip" using the knowledge gained in the first three sections, including clearances, takeoff and departure, enroute, and approaches), and a syllabus for the instrument trainee and the CFII.

As with all of Kershner’s books, this manual covers instrument flying in as much detail as possible without over-complicating the subject. Numerous illustrations by the author aid in visualization of the concepts. This book covers everything students need to know to obtain an FAA instrument rating and has consistently been a favorite of both students and instructors alike.

Author W.K. Kershner’s son, W.C. Kershner is now the editor of the Kershner Manuals Series; he received his training from his father and is a flight instructor and airline captain.


Preface and Acknowledgments, vii

Part One

Airplane Performance and Basic Instrument Flying

1 The Instrument Rating, 1-1

2 Flight and Engine Instruments, 2-1

3 Review of Airplane Performance, Stability, and Control, 3-1

4 Basic Instrument Flying, 4-1

Part Two

Navigation and Communications

5 Navigational Aids and Instruments, 5-1

6 Communications and Control of Air Traffic, 6-1

Part Three

Planning the Instrument Flight

7 Weather Systems and Planning, 7-1

8 Charts and Other Printed Aids, 8-1

9 Planning the Navigation, 9-1

Part Four

The Instrument Flight

10 Before the Takeoff, 10-1

11 Takeoff and Departure, 11-1

12 En Route, 12-1

13 Instrument Approach and Landing, 13-1

14 Instrument Rating Knowledge Test, 14-1

15 Instrument Rating Practical Test, 15-1

Part Five


Instrument Flight Manual Syllabus, S-1


Airport/Facility Directory Legend, A-1

Bibliography and Printing History, B-1

Index, I-1

En Route Low-Altitude Chart, back of book

Edycja: siódma

Format: 21 cm x 27 cm

Ilość stron: 388

Oprawa: miękka

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