Aktywne filtry

Instrument Flying - The Pilot's Manual
An Instrument Rating opens new doors—enabling a pilot to fly more, day or night, in clear or cloudy weather. A pilot with an Instrument Rating is a skilled aviator who has demonstrated mastery of the airplane’s instrument systems and can use preflight and enroute information, aeronautical decision making (ADM), and their knowledge of procedures and regulations to execute a safe flight. The Pilot’s Manual: Instrument Flying provides everything a pilot needs to earn their Instrument Rating and fly safely under instrument flight rules (IFR) and in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
399,00 zł
An illustrated guide to flying
An Illustrated Guide to Flying explains the principles and practice of flying with concise critical facts, supported with prolific illustrations and photographs, covering basic flight maneuvers, aircraft engines and flight instruments, navigation, weather, types of aircraft, traffic control, flight rules, and more.
This is an exciting introduction to flying for aspiring pilots of all ages, revealing the mysteries of flight and explaining how pilots deal with their aircraft and the elements through which they fly. Either as a student, passenger, or future pilot, the reader will enter a fascinating new world that offers challenge, fun, and adventure.
109,00 zł
Magnes F16
Magnes ozdobny F16
8,50 zł
Magnes LIM
Magnes ozdobny LIM
8,50 zł
Magnes Mi8
Magnes ozdobny Mi8
8,50 zł
The Complete Private Pilot
Covers everything involved with becoming a Private, Sport, or Recreational pilot, preparing you for the FAA Knowledge Exam and checkride.
149,00 zł
TURBO: egzamin + kurs + lektor
Prosty egzamin z pełnym przygotowaniem! Wybierz egzamin dopasowany do swojej roli w kokpicie. Egzamin, któremu zaufało już ponad 2700 pilotów.
2 500,00 zł
ECON: egzamin + kurs
Wygodny egzamin z optymalnym przygotowaniem: 75 lekcji do nauki samodzielnej, podzielonych na przygotowanie do poziomu 4 i 5/6, ponad 50 ćwiczeń audio z autentycznymi nagraniami ATC i ATIS z całego świata, powtórka z gramatyki z ćwiczeniami, słownictwo.
1 600,00 zł