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  • Marka: ASA clear
  • Marka: Aeropact clear
  • Marka: DDK Edition clear
Aeropuzzle Dassault Rafale
Dassault Rafale to jeden z najnowocześniejszych odrzutowców wojskowych
Wielozadaniowy samolot myśliwski konstrukcji francuskiej produkowany od lat 90-tych XX wieku przez firmę Dassault Aviation. W przeciwieństwie do myśliwców wielozadaniowych, które zwykle mają dominującą rolę pierwszoplanową oraz drugoplanową (np. myśliwca/bombowca/samolotu wsparcia etc.), Rafale określany jest przez producenta jako samolot do wszystkich zadań,  gdyż może swobodnie przestawiać się z jednej roli na drugą w trakcie wykonywania danej operacji.

AeroPuzzle to nie obraz ani grafika, ale najlepsze lotnicze fotografie!
Egzemplarz ze zdjęcia należy do Francuskich Sił Powietrznych, a został sfotografowany 10 września 2017 roku podczas sesji Air-to-Air w ramach belgijskich pokazów lotniczych Sanicole.
49,00 zł
The basic aerobatic manual
The Basic Aerobatic Manual, Second Edition, is a complete reference for the beginning aerobatic student, with invaluable unusual attitude and spin recovery information for the more straight-and-level flyer. This book emphasizes techniques for the Cessna Aerobat models, but the described maneuvers easily translate to other aerobatics-certified airplanes.
Starting with stalls, chandelles and lazy-8’s, the student is guided through spins and the Three Fundamentals of basic aerobatics: the aileron roll, loop, and the snap roll. Once these basics are learned, the combination maneuvers (the cloverleaf, for example) are covered in-depth.
William K. Kershner started his solo aerobatic career in a Stearman N2S at the age of 17. As a flight instructor, he later operated an aerobatic school in Sewanee, Tennessee using a Cessna 152 Aerobat, until his death in January, 2007.
105,00 zł
Instrument Flying - The Pilot's Manual
An Instrument Rating opens new doors—enabling a pilot to fly more, day or night, in clear or cloudy weather. A pilot with an Instrument Rating is a skilled aviator who has demonstrated mastery of the airplane’s instrument systems and can use preflight and enroute information, aeronautical decision making (ADM), and their knowledge of procedures and regulations to execute a safe flight. The Pilot’s Manual: Instrument Flying provides everything a pilot needs to earn their Instrument Rating and fly safely under instrument flight rules (IFR) and in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
399,00 zł
An illustrated guide to flying
An Illustrated Guide to Flying explains the principles and practice of flying with concise critical facts, supported with prolific illustrations and photographs, covering basic flight maneuvers, aircraft engines and flight instruments, navigation, weather, types of aircraft, traffic control, flight rules, and more.
This is an exciting introduction to flying for aspiring pilots of all ages, revealing the mysteries of flight and explaining how pilots deal with their aircraft and the elements through which they fly. Either as a student, passenger, or future pilot, the reader will enter a fascinating new world that offers challenge, fun, and adventure.
109,00 zł
Magnes F16
Magnes ozdobny F16
8,50 zł
Magnes LIM
Magnes ozdobny LIM
8,50 zł
Magnes Mi8
Magnes ozdobny Mi8
8,50 zł
The Complete Private Pilot
Covers everything involved with becoming a Private, Sport, or Recreational pilot, preparing you for the FAA Knowledge Exam and checkride.
149,00 zł